What's New
01/01/2025 -- The emergence of GenAI has
changed the environment and its climate with
respect to computing and truth engineering
thereof. So, expect activity here. One of
our first efforts will be reported in an
article with this theme: Lessons learned
from the 777 project of Boeing. For
technical discussions, see our portal (to
truth) and this page: Devlog.html.
01/04/2024 -- In December of 2023, published
paper on machine learning: AI,
not solely machine learning.
10/02/2023 -- We have been collecting papers
that tell the story of the Knowledge
Systems Center (KSC) of Sperry Univac.
Work of the KSC pertains to many issues of
the current AI (artificial environment).
05/04/2023 -- In November, OpenAI released
with ChattGPT-3 which slowly got attention
from both sides, pro and con. One of its
influences was to raise the debate about AI.
To wit, the White House has held a
conference on the subject. With respect to
truth engineering, this situation had
renewed interest in the knowledge
approaches. See this blog for more
information: ajswtlk.com/TruthEng/.
12/31/2022 -- Truth Engineering is coming
into its own. 2023 will see more activity
12/31/2021 -- Busy year. However, AI as
ML/DL is having its wave (another winter)
soon. Many are calling for a rewind. See
Grand Challenge (home page).
07/23/2020 -- Truth engineering is at the
core of what we are trying to do. The past
two years have been spent setting a 'ground'
mode with which to launch a definitional
mode that has to be the start.
10/16/2018 -- Several things this year tie
into the topic of this site: Truth
Engineering. On a truth engineering bent.
Why? It’s the real basis for AI. Nice to see
this work: Carnegie
Mellon is Saving Old Software from
Oblivion. As the article says,
reproducibility is the bedrock of science.
ML as AI? Far from what we need in terms of
sustainable science. Too, some are seeing
how ML actually fits, ought to fit. People
will drive the process and the evaulations.
Recent post about an article by the head of
CompSci at UCLA: Overview
of AI
02/16/2018 -- Will get more active with
this. Concepts to discuss are: truth
engines, peripatetic potential, microtubules
(talks at Center for Study of
Consciousness), and more
02/14/2017 -- Looking at moving the
psychether work (psychether.quora.com)
to this site before expanding it further.
08/01/2015 -- Starting to use Quora (my
profile) to organize material,
discussions, and such. See Principal
Interest #1.
02/16/2015 -- Topics of interest include
truth, things, life, people, and our
01/01/2015 -- For starters, what is Truth Engineering?
We have started the discussion. As we would
expect, Tru'eng has several meanings.
12/31/2014 -- Reorganizing and
reconfiguring. Truth
Engineering is alive and well. Some
07/19/2014 -- Bit the bullet (all sorts of
motivations, but this
is one). So, got into HTML/CSS, again,
so as to get up to speed. Then, changed the
site. Blogging about the content
management as well as the technical issues
as I go along.
02/11/2014 -- Drupal was hacked. First time
for everything. Removed the Drupal
installation. Considering Concrete5
07/10/2013 -- I think that I found it:
Joomla 3.1.1. Ice Themes offers a new
template that is interesting. Like the
approach, albeit the backend takes some
getting used to. But, one can add in one's
own code. Too, Wordpress might be put into
place as a blog resource.
07/06/2013 -- Finished the Workpress video
(see page); now looking at a series Joomla
videos (not as well presented, but helpful
in finding way through the labrinth of menus
in the development area). Drupal? Too much
emphasis on code, at least in the version
that I looked at. I had to go to a WYSIWYG
editor, cut the HTML over, and test.
07/05/2013 -- Spent the past few months with
You-tube classes (Stanford, etc.) dealing
with theoretical subjects. Or, looking at
music videos ranging across the decades.
Like reliving the past. ... Now, it's time
to grapple with the website itself. My
experience is long, across a whole lot of
platforms and approaches (including
distributed, intelligent, and
object-oriented). So, I have the basis
having dealt with 10s of different types of
languages. Also, used web-based approaches,
both compiled and interpretive. So, I could
jump ahead, from the 2000 timeframe, and use
a language. But, rather than do that, I'll
use some of the neat tools. So, following
along a tutorial, about Wordpress,
I'll set up a site. After that, I'll do
Drupal and Joomla tutorials and have them
all on the same level. Then, I'll stop and
see what is the best of techniques. I'll
choose one, get acquainted (by then, I'll
have the WSIWYG thing down), and develop the
permanent site.
12/30/2012 -- Most likely there'll be a New
Year's resolution: find which of the tools
listed in the Technical Section to use (or
find another tool or buy a WYSIWYG that cuts
good HTML).
05/21/2012 -- Officelive is gone. Now, we'll
upgrade the site (see Technical section,
04/17/2012 -- Only 13 more days of
03/23/2012 -- Converting to using HTML, for
the interim, using SeaMonkey/Composer.
03/15/2012 -- This site will be moving from
OfficeLive to another host (hopefully,
soon). Updates on the progress will be
04/03/2011 - We've just had our 4th
March. Too, we need to look at background
issues in
order to build the proper model.
09/24/2010 - A couple of themes relate
to this effort: Facebook
as metaphor and what
may be versus what must be,
Prior page