By: Larry Walker, August 2024; Context: AI, Knowledge Systems, ML, … . From 1984 to 1987 Larry Walker led Sperry Univac’s initiative to bring AI Expert Systems technology to the commercial world. Two years after exploring the potential for Expert Systems, the Univac initiative was successful and moving fast. Key measures: Larry remains certain that…
5th – Where do we go from here?
By: John M. Switlik, July 2024; Context: AI, Knowledge Systems, ML, … . Foreword: Content relates, in part, to this talk: Geometric/Knowledge Modeling Challenges at the Fall 2003, COE Conference in Seattle, WA. We will be looking at two things, at least. The use of qualitative means in AI as evidenced by the work with…
John M. Switlik Biographical Sketch
By: John M. Switlik, July 2024; Context: AI, Knowledge Systems, ML, … . BA/MA, University of Arizona 74/75. John spent his career leading efforts at using knowledge and technology to attain operational efficacy in industrial and governmental settings. His expertise spanned decision support and related computational frameworks, both mathematical/software and trade-off analysis. Over the past…
4th — Machine learning and data
Emergence/surge and decisions By: John M. Switlik, March 2024; Context: Sperry Univac Knowledge Systems Center. Foreword – Interim remark This series has one intent: document KBE’s (knowledge-based engineering’s) role, in part, with respect to a major project that will mostly be circumstantially mentioned. A recent academic article went through the history of AI and concluded that…
3rd – Physicalness and mathematics
Do these relate? By: John M. Switlik, February 2024; Context: Sperry Univac Knowledge Systems Center. Foreword – Interim remarks These are necessary after working on the first two pieces of the series which comes from the viewpoint of working in complex computational environments of a non-academic nature for five decades. “non-academic” is used merely to remove two…
2nd – Knowledge and truth
Are these two important? By: John M. Switlik, January 2024; Context: Sperry Univac Knowledge Systems Center. This article continues a series that started with “Artificial Intelligence, not solely machine learning” (Linkedin, TruthEng). What we discussed before pertains to how ML highjacked (or attempted to highjack) AI. We, the humans involved, want AI back. The 1st article briefly…
1st – AI, not solely machine learning
AI includes Knowledge-based Engineering (KBE) By: John M. Switlik, December 2023; Context: Sperry Univac Knowledge Systems Center. After briefly touching upon AI (Artificial Intelligence), we will look at KBE from the perspective of several years. Engineering efficiency has always been a factor for progress. Engineering has had its own College in most Universities. As a historical aside, Count…
Taking Leadership to Doctors, Nursing Homes, Churches, and Communities
By: Larry Walker, November 2023; Context: Sperry Knowledge Systems Center. Dr. Robert Terry In 1980 Harlan Cleveland, the head of the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute at the University of Minnesota, invited Dr. Robert Terry to join the HHHI to develop a leadership development curriculum. This would be the first such program in America. Dr. Terry was an…
Unintended consequences
By: Larry Walker, November 2023; Context: Sperry Knowledge Systems Center. Silicon Valley While the Twin Cities (Minneapolis & St. Paul) along with Philadelphia were the birthplace of the computer industry, Silicon Valley became the incubator for integrated circuits. Silicon Valley also became the ecosystem which propelled the industry into continuous growth with an endless variety of innovative…
Creation of a Knowledge Engine
By: Larry Walker, May 2023; Context: Sperry Knowledge Systems Center. In the early 1990s, the St. Paul (MN) School District wanted to pursue education research. To do this, they established The Saturn School of the Future for students in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades. Saturn’s goal was to have a tailored curriculum for each student. Our…