See What's New.

Two papers from the past:
    How Paradigms of Computing Might Relate to KBE 
    Practical Issues of AI 

Talk of the Grand Challenge - related to truth engineering.

Note: 12/31/2022 -- More Quora work, plus organizing websites
          12/31/2021 -- Restructuring after a long period of research.


Finally, at a point where this can be something other than remarks related to observations.

Basically, we need truth engineering to bridge twixt humans and machines. The onset of the current AI brought things to fore. It's clever applied mathematics with no intelligence involved. Actually, it's bullying.

More coming.


Truth Engineering (Tru'eng), the key to the future. We are reorganizing this effort. For now, a post from which we will make announcements and a link to our principal model for analysis and discussion.
Recent blog post: Overview of AI.


Prior: Page 2, Page 1

Remember to read "What's new" (here) and Quora for the latest information. 

Note: 07/23/2020 - we're in the process of updating this site.

  For additional information: